Schedule Employees with Your Voice

Getting started

Follow these quick steps to activate voice recognition for your Findmyshift schedules.

  1. You will need to be using Chrome browser.
  2. Go to our HTTPS site,
  3. Press CTRL + ALT to activate the "listener".
  4. Select "Allow" when a security prompt appears regarding the microphone.
  5. Press and hold CTRL + ALT then say one of the commands below.

Viewing your schedule

ForwardBackNext weekLast weekPrevious weekTodayShow [date]View [date]Go to [date]Select [date]Change dateDownload PDFDownload HTMLDownload ExcelPrint

Editing your schedule

UpDownLeftRightCutCopyPasteAddEditDeleteUndoSave changesPublishUnpublishSelect allSelect columnSelect rowSelect line

Adding or editing a shift

[facility name][employee name][start] to [finish]UpdateCancel

Message boxes


TIP: If you're in a quiet area and would like the keep the listener on, hold down CTRL + ALT and say "keep listening". To switch the listener off, say "stop listening".

Start scheduling your employees online.

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