Why Mobile Scheduling Tools Are Essential for Modern ManagersThe top ways mobile scheduling apps can improve your business

The modern world is moving forwards more and more quickly. We are now living in what is known as the Digital Age, defined by rapid technological advancement.

Modern technology has become increasingly important in the last few decades, and is now a crucial aspect of just about every industry.

In fact, 41.9% of businesses are moving to cloud-based services every year. As the manager or owner of a small business, it is your job to stay on top of relevant tech developments and ensure that your business is making the most of the technology out there.

There is more and more competition out there for your business. Using modern technology appropriately will put you a step ahead of your competitors. While you may already be using social media and app-based technology to attract customers, you shouldn’t neglect your employees.

Using a modern mobile scheduling app will streamline your employees’ experience, encourage employee retention, save you valuable time, and ultimately, result in a noticeable increase in profits for your company. In this article, we’ll outline how these tools work and why they are so important for any modern manager.

How do mobile scheduling apps work?

You may have heard about mobile scheduling apps but may be unsure about how they actually work.

Essentially, most mobile scheduling applications are designed to streamline the scheduling of employees. Using an app, you will be able to easily plan, send, and alter your employee rotas. You will also be able to see your employees’ up-to-date availability. Employees will have quick and easy access to the latest version of their schedule.

Think of a mobile scheduling app as the cloud-based version of a hand-written or PDF schedule, but far smarter. Using modern technology, your scheduling will become infinitely simpler. No more crossed out names, resent emails, or confused employees. Plus, at the end of the month, you’ll be able to quickly check each employees’ exact hours, making payroll a much simpler task.

Why do mobile scheduling apps work?

So, what exactly is so great about these mobile scheduling apps?


With a mobile scheduling app, you and your employees can easily create a more flexible schedule. You will no longer feel the need to schedule your employees on a set rota. Instead, you employees can mark down exactly when they are free to work.

By offering a quick oversight into who is available, scheduling accordingly becomes far simpler. You may find that an unconventional or unexpected shift pattern emerges. Nevertheless, you will find that it works, because your employees will all have the shifts that they actually want.


Using an online tool will immediately make your business more accessible for your employees. Cloud-based SaaS tools allow your employees to check and change their schedule on the go. You will also benefit from the accessibility of the app, which can be used on a computer or on a mobile device.

Time efficiency

Who doesn’t love saving time? You will find yourself with plenty of extra time on your hands when you switch to using a mobile scheduling tool. Everything you need to create a functional, coherent schedule will be at your fingertips. Instead of trying to organise your employees’ availability by poring through old emails and messages, the mobile scheduling app will already have the information ready for you.

Plus, changing shifts around will also be a breeze. Instead of exchanging a series of complex shift request messages, you simply enter the app and change the name on the schedule. All of your employees will immediately have access to this updated version, so you won’t need to worry about sending out another version of the rota.

Happy employees

Accessible shift-planning makes for happy, satisfied employees. You will be amazed by how many of your staff members choose to stick it out at your company when you make their lives easier.

Not only will they be happy to have the shifts they want, they will feel much calmer knowing their up-to-date schedule is available at all times at the touch of a button. This means an increase in employee engagement, which can lead to a 21% increase in productivity over time.

Your employees will thank you

Running a successful business means keeping with the times and providing a modern technological system for your customers and employees alike. Using a mobile scheduling tool will transform the way you make your rotas. Plus, it will make your employees’ lives much easier too, leading to improved employee retention. Try a mobile scheduling app today and be amazed by the transformation in your workplace.


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