Save your changes on the rosterCTRL + S
Show next date range on the roster and reportsCTRL +
Show previous date range on the roster and reportsCTRL +
Undo the last unsaved change on the rosterCTRL + Z
Select a cell on the roster, , ,
Add or edit shift or comment on the rosterEnter
Delete the current selection on the rosterDelete
Copy the current selection on the rosterCTRL + C
Cut the current selection on the rosterCTRL + X
Paste the copied selection to the current selection on the rosterCTRL + V
Add a time off entry to the rosterCTRL + SHIFT + H
Select a column of cells (a date) on the rosterCTRL + SHIFT + D
Select a row of cells (staff or facility) on the rosterCTRL + SHIFT + R
Scroll to the bottom left corner of the rosterEND
Scroll to the top left corner of the rosterHOME
Scroll to the bottom right corner of the rosterCTRL + END
Scroll to the top right corner of the rosterCTRL + HOME
Scroll to the right of the rosterShift + PAGE DOWN
Scroll to the left of the rosterShift + PAGE UP

Explorar agora. Não é necessário registo.

Sem cartão de crédito, sem transferências, sem listas de correio, sem surpresas.