Time and attendance made simple
Paying your employees for the hours they are scheduled doesn't always make sense, so capturing the times that employees arrive and leave work can be important. Using our time clock and timesheets, you're able to record the actual hours worked, allowing for more accurate cost reporting and payroll.
Store the actual hours your employees work with timesheets
Knowing the hours your employees are at work is essential, as these hours provide more accurate payroll and reporting. Instead of overwriting your scheduled hours, actual hours are saved as timesheets, submitted either by employees or by a manager.

Get notified when employees don't show up to work
Findmyshift can cross-reference the scheduled hours for an employee and notify managers when they clock-in or out early, late, or not at all. This may be of particular importance if you have to ensure the safety of employees who are working off-site.
Early clock inSarah clocked in at 8:43am, 17 minutes before her shift was scheduled to start.8:43am
Not clocked inJames has not clocked in for his shift:
Late clock inJames clocked in at 9:10am, 10 minutes after his shift was scheduled to start.9:10am
Set-up a time clock in less than a minute
Our time clock station operates as a central access terminal for your employees to securely clock-in and clock-out for their shifts. It can even be set up to photograph your employees to avoid 'buddy clocking'. Alternatively, you can enable your employees to clock in/out via our app, mobile site or web-site.
* * * *PIN or password
Employees can clock in and out with a PIN, or with the same password they use to access the website.
Auto clock-out
If your employees forget to clock out, we'll clock them out automatically each day at a time set by you.
IP Whitelist
Ensure your employees are at work when they clock-in by restricting their access to your workplace network.
Record the exact locations of your off-site employees as they clock-in and clock-out
Employees clocking-in before they get to work? Need to be sure employees are safe? Our location tracker will let you know exactly where your employees clock-in and clock-out in real-time.
Full oversight of timesheets with manager approval
When timesheets are submitted by employees they remain unapproved until they are reviewed by a manager. Only once they are reviewed and approved can they be included in payroll and cost reporting. Depending on how you process your payroll, the approval stage may be the last check in place to prevent over (or under) paying your employees.

Automate timesheets from the employee time clock
If your employees are clocking in and out of their shifts, their timesheets will be filled with their clock-in and clock-out times, ready for manager approval. With timesheets being submitted directly from the time clock, managers can have confidence in the hours that they are approving.

Compare the hours worked vs. the hours scheduled
Once approved, timesheet data can be used throughout your reports, including "Schedule vs. timesheets". This report gives you an overview of the scheduled hours and expected costs compared to the actual hours worked and the real costs.

Frequently asked questions
- How do my employees clock in and out?There are 4 ways for your employees to clock in and out - via the app, via the mobile site, via our website or via a dedicated time clock station set up by a manager. Watch us set up a time clock station in less than a minute.
- What do I do when my employees forget to clock in?To keep an accurate record of the actual hours worked, you (as a timesheet manager) can always edit the start and finish times for your employees via the "Timesheets" page. You can also set up a notification to alert you when employees forgot to clock in (or out), at which point you can clock them in/out via the "Employees" page.
- How do I stop my employees from clocking in or clocking out when they aren't at work?There are 2 easy ways to ensure that your employees don't clock in or out when they aren't at work. The first is to whitelist the public IP address of your workplace, so that employees can only clock in/out when connected to that network. The second would be to remove your employee's ability to clock in/out on their mobile devices and via the website, and instead have them clock in/out via a dedicated time clock station at your workplace. Other options include the ability to record employee locations when the clock in/out, and/or take a photograph of the person clocking in/out.
- What is the difference between the timesheets and the time clock?The time clock is a simple system that captures the in/out times of your employees when they arrive, take an unpaid break or leave at the end of their shift. If employees forget to clock in/out, changes can only be made via the "Timesheets" page. The "Timesheets" page is fed by the hours captured by the time clock, the scheduled hours from your employee schedule, and submissions from your employees. After the shift times on the "Timesheets" page are approved by a timesheet manager, they will begin to appear in your reports, ready for you to generate your payroll.
- Can my employees enter their own timesheets?Yes, your employees can enter their own timesheets at any time, though the shift times that they submit will require manager approval before they can be included in the reports and/or payroll. To enable timesheets for your employees, make sure you've ticked "Settings" > "General" > "Enable timesheets".
- Can I use the timesheet data for my payroll?Yes, you can, but only after the shifts are approved by a timesheet manager. Once approved, you can use this data in your reports by clicking "Options" > "Timesheet data" at the top of the report.
Did we mention that it's free?
Time clocking and timesheets are included with every account at no extra cost. There's no restrictions and no limitations, even on the free plan.