Getting started
Follow these quick steps to activate voice recognition for your Findmyshift schedules.
- You will need to be using Chrome browser.
- Go to our HTTPS site, https://www.findmyshift.com/
- Press CTRL + ALT to activate the "listener".
- Select "Allow" when a security prompt appears regarding the microphone.
- Press and hold CTRL + ALT then say one of the commands below.
Viewing your schedule
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Editing your schedule
UpDownLeftRightCutCopyPasteAddEditDeleteUndoSave changesPublishUnpublishSelect allSelect columnSelect rowSelect line
Adding or editing a shift
[facility name][employee name][start] to [finish]UpdateCancel
Message boxes
TIP: If you're in a quiet area and would like the keep the listener on, hold down CTRL + ALT and say "keep listening". To switch the listener off, say "stop listening".